Sep 25, 2007

Day in the Car

Trip Details

Departure: New York, NY - 6:15 a.m.
Arrival: Chicago, IL – 7 p.m. central standard

Total driving time: 14 hours
(Caleb 8 hrs, Ellie 6 hrs.)

Total stops:

Total tanks of gas: 2 (we’ve been getting a little over 400 miles per tank on the highway).

Spending 14 hours in a car is not something that most people do on a regular basis, nor is it something that I think I have ever done before. Surprisingly, with good company it’s not so terrible. By way of 80 and 90 we crossed the horizontal expanse of four states – New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana. We ran into a lot of heavy fog in parts of PA and we were surprised that many of the leaves had already begun to change. Silos and corn fields became more and more frequent the further west we traveled. Not a lot to stimulate the senses, but lots of time to make observations (in no particular order):

-Packing up dunkin’ donuts munchkins in a plastic cup with lid and placing them at the register is in fact an effective way to get people to impulse purchase donuts.
-Not knowing what you will find off an exit, or how far civilization will in fact be, in the middle of unknown states proves to be a roulette-ish type activity.
-It’s an exciting day when you actually make it to Mc Donald’s in time for breakfast.
-The state of Ohio has really nice rest areas.
-Driving across the entire state of Pennsylvania really makes your ears pop.
-Caleb really enjoys Pink Floyd while driving.
-Cops must be distracted by the aforementioned donuts in the aforementioned states because really there were none around (we saw three at most).
-My bladder is only good for 1.5 – 2 hours.
-Probably not unrelated, Caleb also gets entrepreneurial while driving coming up with ideas like the “Road Drip”- some type of contraption that makes it possible to pee in the car.
-Mad Libs just isn’t fun anymore.
-Semi truck drivers have no road manners.

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